Arthroscopic Elbow Surgery
Arthroscopic elbow surgery is a minimally invasive surgical treatment option for elbow pain that involves inserting a small camera into the elbow joint. Arthroscopic elbow surgery, often called “scoping the elbow,” can be helpful in removing loose debris from the elbow joint, which can cause pain and limited mobility. In early stages of elbow arthritis, bone spurs may form around the joint. Arthroscopic elbow surgery is often used to remove bone spurs from the elbow joint, restoring motion of the elbow.
Your surgeon may recommend arthroscopic elbow surgery if you suffer from tennis elbow or an elbow throwing injury.
To learn more about arthroscopic elbow surgery, please complete the appointment request box or call (973) 538-2334 to schedule a consultation with a Tri-County Orthopedics specialty-trained elbow doctor.