Dr. Stephen Hunt to Present at Upcoming Athletic Trainer Symposium
On Wednesday, October 17, Dr. Stephen Hunt will be a featured speaker at an athletic trainer symposium entitled A Sports Medicine Approach to Wrestling.
Sponsored by JAG-ONE Physical Therapy, the symposium will offer teaching on how to diagnose and treat common hip, knee, shoulder and cervical spine injuries, particularly for wrestlers. Attendees will also learn how to implement a thorough orthopedic examination and use updated rehabilitation methods for injuries.
Wednesday, October 17
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
JAG-ONE Physical Therapy
461 Main Street
Chatham, NJ 07928
Additional speakers include Daniel Kane, P.T., D.P.T., and David Abrutyn, M.D. The event will offer 2.0 continuing education units (CEUs) to certified athletic trainers. Registration starts at 6:45 p.m., and food and beverages will be served.
To attend this educational event, R.S.V.P. to info@jagonept.com by October 12.