The following are reviews from patients of Dr. Goldberger
  • “I have been seeing Dr. Goldberger for about five years for various ankle Injuries. When seeing Dr. Goldberger for the first time I was actualy walking on the base of my left leg not the foot itself. After several minor ankle surgeries I had to have a minimally invasive ankle replacement (three years ago). About six months after the replacement, I was completely done with physical therapy and three more months later I was walking like I did 30 years ago. Without this type replacement surgery I wouldn't being doing all the activities that I enjoy; walking, camping, gardening, and keeping up with my one year old grandson. The pain/recovery of this surgery is very extensive, but is was so worth it. Dr. Goldberger works with you all long during recovery as a caring orthopedic surgeon!”
    – Mary C.
  • “It has been several years since I last visited Tri County, but I was very pleased with the new office location as well as the office itself.  I had an appointment with Dr. Goldman, whom I had never met before, but I was quite pleased by his friendly approach. Most of all, I was pleased with his knowledge and being able to present it in a way that was understandable to the common layman.  I like him a lot, as he cut to the chase and gave you the details regarding your problem.  I was impressed and he immediately instilled in me my confidence in him.  I will need to have hip replacement surgery soon, and feel very comfortable in having Dr. Goldman perform it.  No hesitations on my part.  So, although it had been awhile, I was most pleased from my dealings with the staff at the desk to the techs in X-ray, and the nurses assisting.  Thanks from me for making it a pleasant experience.”
    – Walter C.
  • “All good!”
    – Kristen
  • “Dr. Hunt is the epitome of professionalism. He is truly one of the best in the business and a credit to the profession. After 25 years of intense athletic activity, both of my hops were in bad shape resulting from impingement and labral tears. Over the course of a year, Dr. Hunt performed two successful surgeries allowing me to resume my professional career as the Chief Israeli Krav Maga U.S. instructor. Dr. Hunt, an athlete himself, provides invaluable to support and facilitate the recovery process.”
    – David K.
  • “I was referred to Dr. Goldberger from my primary care physician. Dr. Goldberger examined me for a very painful left big toe. He diagnosed it as a typical mature person's dilemma when the cartilage between the bones wears out. We discussed various remedies, which are still in progress. I thought that the entire experience in your office, and with the attending staff was courteous and excellent.”
    – Vincent T.
  • “I do not have the words to describe what a nice human being Dr. Paul Lombardi is.  Each and every meeting with him was amazing and re-assuring. Just seeing him would put my mind at ease. He had such a calming effect that I could just tell I will be fine with his care. I had double knee surgery last year and it has changed my life for the better. I kept putting off the surgery for a long time until I met him. Just seeing how sure he was about everything he told me, all my fears vanished. I cannot thank Dr. Lombardi enough. He is the best, and what a nice, kind doctor with a human touch.”
    – Malti P.
  • “My first appointment with Dr. Goldman was in October of 2009.  Arrangements to have my left hip replaced were made and the surgery was at the end of January 2010. Everything went very well, and I recovered quickly. I could have gone home after 3 or 4 days, but decided to go to Runnels for rehab. I was there less than a week and was driving in three weeks from the time of the surgery. My care at Morristown Memorial was superb and the physical therapy at Runnels was excellent. I had a nice relationship with Dr. Goldman and felt that he was outstanding as a physician and a surgeon. Hopefully, the other hip will remain healthy, but should it need to be replaced, I would call Dr. Goldman in a heartbeat. Long may he continue to add years of mobility to folks like me... am now 77...not old, just reaching perfection. (-: ”
    – Catherine D.
  • “My experience with Dr. Lombardi and Tri - County Orthopedics can only be described as excellent in every way.  I'm a 77 year old man who has had knee problems since childhood, compounded by trying to be a high school and semi-pro football hero injuring both knees many times. I had procedures on both knees over the years and tried all of the treatments available including synvisc and diet supplements, which worked fairly well for me. Finally, the crunching and creaking every time I bent over and doing stairs one-step at a time, got to be too much. When they started to be unstable, especially on the stairs, I said it’s either the knees or risk falling down the stairs and doing hips as well as knees or worse. Several friends had hips done by the group and all said their treatment and recovery were excellent.  Because of my age, Dr. Lombardi said he would not do both knees at the same time. So one was done last April and the other in August. Both experiences were more than satisfactory. Replacement Monday morning, walking with walker around nurse’s station several times on Tuesday, stairs with crutches on Wednesday, and home on Thursday afternoon. Painless in both cases. After nerve block and intravenous medication in the hospital, the strongest pain medication I took was a couple of Tylenol. Experience with hospital nurses, staff, food, and a private room etc., superior.  At home, I had visits from nurse three times and therapist six times and was released to out patient therapy. Driving the second week and six weeks of therapy and done.  Seven months later, I can easily walk my mile everyday, do steps like I did twenty years ago, and have no excuse to not do my yard work or my little repairs around the house. I did take the knee bending machine and the therapy exercises seriously and did the required reps religiously, in the hospital, at home and in out patient therapy.  I am very appreciative of Dr. Lombardi's skills and ability as well as the treatment and kindness shown by Tri-County Orthopedics and Morristown Medical Center.”
    – Elmer T.
  • “I had total right hip replacement 2/12/14. The hip feels wonderful. I am waiting to have my left side done soon. Unfortunately, my incision is having difficulty healing. I went back into surgery in the end of March to clean the wound and they placed me on a wound vac. The incision is being treated by a wound specialist and is healing well, but slowly. I have been asked by friends, “Aren't you afraid to have the second hip done?” I reply, “No, not at all.” Even if I had to go through this problem with the incision again, it is well worth it not to live in pain everyday from your hip degeneration. I think Dr. Goldman did an excellent job and I am looking forward to having the second one done soon. I have increased a lot of walking since this new hip. I can't wait to be totally out of pain from the second hip.”
    – Theresa Z.
  • “Just the best! Thank you all!”
    – Tom M.
  • “I have suffered from knee problems for many years. Many times, I have had to wear braces and take pain medications just to get through the day. I've spent many sleepless nights because of the pain. I have consulted with four doctors seeking a solution. I attempted to build strength in my knees by exercising. I was referred to Tri-County Orthopedics by my doctor. Dr. Goldman reviewed my records. He is the first doctor who recognized the progress that I made on my own. Ha felt that with only one knee being replaced, it would relieve the other one, thus negating the need for a second operation. My operation will take place in March. I will begin chapter 2 when it is done.”
    – Vincent S.
  • “It was the best surgical experience that I could've ever had. Dr. Willis saved my life! I lived in excruciating pain for many years and Dr. Willis has brought that pain to an end. The second day after surgery, I felt like I have never felt in years. The pain that used to just grind at me, wear me down and out, and make my life miserable, was gone. Dr. Willis is my hero! I wanted to cry. I was so happy with what he had done for me. The pain was so bad that it also caused me to have depression and major stress issues. When I woke up after surgery, I felt like a new man, and I noticed that a lot of animosity had been erased. Thank you, Dr. Willis. You are the best!”
    – Adrian S.
  • “I was very anxious about having knee replacement surgery. Dr. Goldman was kind, professional, and always perfectly honest about every aspect of the surgery and my concerns. I have only positive things to say about the surgery, anesthesia, pain management, hospital stay, and most of the recovery. No one minced words about the difficulty of physical therapy, and I made it through with not too many negative feelings. I eventually will have the other knee replaced, and I will not even hesitate to call Dr. Goldman. He is a wonderful doctor.”
    – Ellen G.
  • “I was in to see Dr. Willis for an ongoing shoulder issue that I've been having. After having previously been told that I had a torn rotator cuff, Dr. Willis indicated that he wanted to confirm this with an MRI. So after having the MRI, I subsequently learned in a follow up visit with Dr. Willis that, while I did have some issues that could be improved upon by minor surgery, I did not have a rotator tear. I would be able to avoid the long/painful recovery back to a very athletic/active lifestyle (weight training, karate, running)...needless to say I was thrilled. Dr. Willis also spoke with me in a respectful peer to peer manner that was not at all the condescending tone that is often the case in medical practice.”
    – Kevin G.
  • “Positive. I like Dr. Goldman and the way he treated me.”
    – Viktor R.
  • “Great experience!!!  Best care for my daughter's torn meniscus & ACL. For such a bad injury, Dr. Willis and Brett have given Lindsay complete confidence that she'll be able to return to gymnastics. Dr. Willis even took care of a torn tendon in my finger, which I thought nothing of.”
    – Lisa R.
  • “Your office staff is very professional. For my first visit, I used your website to make an appointment during the night because of the pain I was in. It was reassuring and comforting to know I could be seen right away. I liked when I called I didn't get a recording. Actually someone answered on the first ring. I liked Dr. D’Agostini Jr. very much. He was very thorough and clear explaining my situation. The girl who took my x-ray was very pleasant also. Thank you for being there when I needed help. I have recommended two friends to Dr. D’Agostini. Thank you very much!”
    – Elizabeth G.
  • “I had hip pain for 16 years. I saw several doctors who diagnosed back problems and looked for arthritis via x-ray. Ruling out anything beyond that because of my relatively young age. Turns out, it was a tear that went untreated and grew to cause severe pain and even more severe arthritis. I was shocked when I was told I needed a hip replacement. I went to several surgeons. None gave me the sense of trust and calm that Dr. Goldman did. When I met Dr. Goldman, he showed me the x-ray and defined the problem. He also told me the surgery would change my life. I knew I had found my surgeon. I am now 4 weeks past surgery. I am so happy I do not have the deep, severe pain that I have experienced for the past 16 years. I am working hard to heal and get back to activity. I am grateful to Dr. Goldman and his staff for a rewarding experience.”
    – Jacki H.
  • “I went to Dr. D'Agostini in 2008, barely being able to walk due the knee pain. I had my double knee replacement in October of that year. My recovery was total and successful. I have had a new lease on life thanks to my surgery. I had become a virtual shut-in because of the pain. I now can be as active as all my friends, walking, gardening, feeling like a new person. I would be happy to recommend Dr. D'Agostini to anyone. He was wonderful to work with, and gave me the best possible care.”
    – Rosemary M.
  • “My story goes back to May 2008. I had bi-lateral knee replacements by the amazing Dr. Robert Goldman. It was the first major surgery for me. The only other surgery I have had was having my tonsils removed back in the day. Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck, but Dr. Goldman made me feel at ease. He explained why I needed the surgery, and even showed me the X-rays so I could see for myself. He was so patient with me and answered all my questions in terms I could understand. I said he could do the surgery only if he promised NOT to put me to sleep and just give me a spinal. He said “Okay. If that's what you want, I will do that.” I was wide awake during the surgery and did not have a Valium drip or any calming drugs.  The rehab I must admit was very difficult, but I am pain-free. I can do anything, and my knees feel great. They don't even get sore when it rains! I have recommended many patients to Dr. Goldman, each having success with their surgeries. In my eyes Dr. Goldman is THE MAN!”
    – Arlene B.
  • “Dr. Hunt operated on my rotator cuff in December of 2009. The surgery turned out great. I listened to his instructions and healed beautifully. Dr. Goldberger operated on my ruptured Achilles tendon in March of 2013. The surgery went great. I listened mostly to his instructions. I just came back from a tennis lesson and played two games of tennis this week. I feel great. Dr. D'Agostini treated my right knee (a little arthritis that I refused to acknowledge). The shot worked well and he was considerate to speak loudly to me so I understood everything he said. He was smiling when I thanked him for speaking in a voice I could hear. I recommend your staff, including the wonderful, friendly people in the office, who make a stressful situation better. Best regards.”
    – Geri D.
  • “Dr. Goldman has saved me from having knee replacement surgery thus far with medication and injections. Some weight loss on my part has also made a big difference with the combination I am looking forward to many years ahead without a knee replacement. I will continue to see Dr. Goldman. He has truly healed me when I could barely walk. Now I can do more, exercise, and be apart of many events without suffering for it later. The staff has been more that efficient with appointments, medication refills, and general needs. Thank you, Dr. Goldman and staff.”
    – Diana
  • “It was absolutely superb. Dr. D'Agostini is the best. Far beyond the accolades he has received, his personal expectations of his professional skills, demonstrates outstanding leadership in his field. As he should, he expects the highest level of medical performance of those around his patients as well as of himself. This equates to successful recovery, a shortened hospital stay, and a diminished chance of complications. He is an extremely competent, confidant, and no nonsense physician that I would want taking care of me every time. I have chosen him for each of my hip replacements. I enjoy his consultations and professional services with confidence. He is truly one of the best.”
    – James T.
  • “The best. There is no better, Period !!!!! This past winter, I had taken a fall on the ice and had dislocated my shoulder. My general physician referred me to Tri-County Orthopedics. Upon my arrival, I was greeted by a very professional staff, which was just amazing from the start. I was introduced to Dr. Stephen A. Hunt. From the start, he made me feel very comfortable and went over everything that was wrong. Dr. Hunt was able to relocate my shoulder. I was then advised that it would be in my best interest to have a MRI. After having my MRI, I was able to sit with Dr. Hunt. He went over everything, being very thorough and explaining to me, in detail, what was wrong with my shoulder do to the accident I had. I was advised that I could have arthroscopic surgery to repair the damage and tighten up my shoulder. Dr. Hunt told me that it would be up to me and if I had wanted, I could try physical therapy to see how it would go. I did not feel any pressure from him trying to push the surgery on me. Dr. Hunt was great. He explained the surgery from start to finish. I was told what he thought the outcome would be and what possible problems I could have. Being that I am an avid runner and weightlifter, I had many concerns on what I would be able to do and when I would be able to get back to my life. Dr. Hunt took the time to go into detail on every single question I had. I had my surgery this past March. From the second I was at the surgical center, I was greeted and taken care by the best staff. Dr. Hunt came in and met with me again before I was taken into surgery. He wanted to know if I had any last minute questions. My surgery went very well. When I was all finished, Dr. Hunt was there to tell me everything went well and looked very good. That night, when I was home resting, Dr. Hunt called me to see how I was feeling and wanted to know if I had any questions for him to answer. My first follow-up visit the next day was great again. Dr. Hunt told me how the surgery went and went over everything with me again on what the recovery process would be. I was advised on what I could and could not do. I am now in my last stage. I have one last follow-up visit this week. What I will say is thanks to Dr. Hunt. I am about 99% back to living my normal life. I feel as if I never had the accident or surgery. I have no pain and my range of motion is back. I can't thank him and his staff enough for giving me my life back. There is no better from start to finish. Dr. Hunt is more than a doctor. He is a wonderful person who is always going above and beyond for his patients. I cannot say enough good things about him. He is just truly amazing and dedicated. I wish that you please take the time to share this with him.”
    – Alfred L.
  • “After sustaining an Achilles tendon rupture playing tennis, and unfortunately waiting several months to seek treatment (my fault), I consulted with Dr. Epstein. He advised me I needed an Achilles reconstruction because an Achilles tear repair usually can only be performed within a short period after the injury.  After a thorough explanation of the injury and the proposed surgery, Dr. Epstein performed the complicated reconstruction surgery in a same-day procedure.  Although I required crutches and months of physical therapy after the surgery, I have had excellent results and have resumed normal activity without a problem. Both my wife (a physical therapist) and I found Dr. Epstein to be skilled, thorough, and professional.  More than that, however, he always sat down with us during the office visits and explained everything, answering all questions in a friendly and understandable manner. Finally, the Tri-County Orthopedics facility and staff are first rate.”
    – Andrew W.